What to Support

Much of the good that WMed is accomplishing is made possible by private support, by people and organizations underwriting leading-edge research, funding scholarships for promising medical students and supporting world-class faculty members. With your help, WMed will meet its vision of health equity for all in Southwest Michigan through innovation in the practice and study of medicine.

Giving Opportunities

Naming Opportunities

  • Student Scholarships
    One-Year, Four-Year, Medical Promise

  • Faculty
    Awards, Fellowships, Professorships, Chair, Deanship

  • Program
    Annual Lecture, Symposia, Visiting Professor, Lectureship
  • Research
  • Entire Floor
    Lower level, First, Second, Third, Fifth, Seventh floor
  • Lecture Halls
    First-floor, Second-floor
  • Facilities
    Atrium, Bioskills Lab, Conference Rooms, Entrance Lobby, Exterior Space, Learning Labs, Learning Rooms, Team-Based Learning Halls, Library, Research Labs, Simulation Center, Student Commons, etc.