Campus Safety

WMed is committed to providing a safe and secure campus and workplace.

Crime Reporting and Communication

Everyone is encouraged to report all crimes and public safety-related incidents to police, security guards, the Chief Safety and Security Officer, or a Campus Safety Authority (CSA), in a timely manner. Bystanders or witnesses are encouraged to report when a victim is unable to report. Dial 9-1-1 or use the call button on emergency blue light poles to report a crime, fire, or any other type of emergency. You can also report a crime, after the fact, using our online reporting form.

  • Campus Security Personnel
    The Director of Facilities serves as the institutional Chief Safety and Security Officer. We do not maintain our own police or security department, but we contract with a private security company that provides security guards at the W.E. Upjohn M.D. Campus, Oakland Drive, and Crosstown Parkway. Security guards are not armed, nor do they have arrest powers. We maintain a positive working relationship and formal agreements with local law enforcement agencies surrounding all of our campus locations. If a major or serious crime occurs at any WMed location, the police or public safety in that jurisdiction will, once on the scene, take control of the situation.
  • Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)

    Designated faculty and staff serve as CSAs because they have significant responsibility for student and campus activities. The primary function of a CSA is to be additional “eyes and ears for student safety” and to report allegations of crimes to the Chief Safety and Security Officer. CSAs include:

    • Security guards and facilities personnel
    • Associate and assistant deans involved with students
    • Faculty and staff in the Office of Student Affairs
    • Clinical skills educators
    • Student Interest Group and Student Organization faculty advisors
    • Faculty advisors/leaders for international travel activities
    • Title IX coordinator and deputy coordinators
  • Annual Campus Safety and Security Report

    The Annual Campus Safety and Security Report 2024 is provided as part of WMed's commitment to safety and security and is compliant with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Clery Act). The report is published each year on the WMed website by October 1. Notice of the report availability is made via email communication to the campus community including students, residents, fellows, faculty, and staff. The report includes statistics on specific reported crimes as well as policies and procedures that are designed to promote a safe, secure learning and working environment. For information or to receive a printed copy contact Facilities at or 269.337.4225.

  • Emergency Contact Information
    Location Contact Numbers
    W.E. Upjohn M.D. Campus

    Emergency: 911 or Blue Light Poles

    KPS Public Safety: 269.337.8241

    On-site Security: 269.337.4575

    Staff and Visitor Parking Ramp Emergency: 911
    WMed Health Oakland Drive and Linda Richards Building

    Emergency: 911 or Blue Light Poles

    WMU Public Safety: 269.387.5555

    On-site Security: 269.337.4225

    Department of Psychiatry in the Ascension Borgess North Professional Building

    Emergency: 911

    Township Police: 269.343.0568

    On-site Security: 269.226.8361

    Family Medicine Residency Crosstown Parkway

    Emergency: 911

    Kalamazoo Public Safety: 269.337.8241

    On-site Security: 810.869.5617

    Innovation Center

    Emergency: 911

    WMU Public Safety: 269.387.5555


    WMed Health - Mall Drive Portage

    Emergency: 911

    Portage Public Safety: 269.329.4576


    Family Medicine Residency - Bronson Battle Creek

    Emergency: 911

    Battle Creek City Police: 269.781.9011

    On-site Manager on Duty: 269.965.8866 or 1680 from the in-house phone system

  • Emergency Blue Light Poles

    An Emergency Blue Light Pole functions the same as calling 9-1-1. Press the red button and connect directly with public safety. On the W.E. Upjohn M.D. Campus, poles are located at the Lovell Street (south) entrance, the South Street (north) entrance, inside the Courtyard, and at the Parking Lot on John Street. Four poles are located on the Oakland Drive Campus at the WMed Health patient entrance, the Linda Richards Building south and north doors, and in the northeast corner of the Physician Parking Lot.

  • Timely Warning and Emergency Notification

    In the event that certain crimes or emergency situations occur that pose a serious or continuing threat or danger, we will notify the campus community in a timely manner. Notification will be made via the emergency notification system (with email and text options) or other mechanisms such as email, portal, digital signage, or the overhead announcement system within each facility.

  • Emergency Notification System (Rave Alert)

    We use an emergency notification system (Rave Alert) to inform the campus community of emergency situations, closures, and other important notifications. The system sends emergency messages via text and email. All new students, faculty, and employees are automatically enrolled in the system with their email. Each person can add up to three mobile device numbers and a personal email address.

    It is highly recommended that a mobile contact number be included in the system as it may be the quickest way to be notified of an emergency. Users should review their personal user profile to be sure a current mobile device number and/or personal email address is entered into the system. The emergency notification system can be accessed via the portal or directly at

  • Rave Panic Button App

    The Rave Panic Button application was added in 2023 to enhance the safety of all WMed campus locations. A user who has the Rave Panic Button app on their mobile phone can send an alert to notify the campus community of an Active Assailant such as an active shooter. WMed internal stakeholders can go to the portal on the Applications page under Safety for detailed information about the new Rave Panic Button including how to install the app, authorized WMed campus locations and assignments, how to initiate an alert, and more.

  • Facility Access Controls and ID Badges

    Our campus locations are private property. Access to our facilities is controlled by automated security systems with access controls and video surveillance. Faculty, residents, fellows, students, and staff are issued a WMed photo identification badge that permits access to specific exterior and interiors doors based on an access schedule appropriate to their role. ID badges are to be worn above the waist at all times while in our facilities. No one is let into the building without a badge. Reception staff coordinate visitor access. 

  • Escorts to and from Parking Areas

    Security guards are available to escort faculty, residents, fellows, students, and staff to WMed parking lots and structures after dusk. All are encouraged to walk to their car in pairs or groups, whenever possible, and to leave the building at reasonable hours. Security systems and security personnel do not replace the need for situational awareness and personal responsibility. 

    Security Escort Contact Information

    W.E. Upjohn M.D. Campus 269.337.4575
    WMed Health and Linda Richards Building 269.337.4225
    Department of Psychiatry in the Ascension Borgess North Professional Building 269.226.8361
    Family Medicine Residency at Crosstown Parkway 810.869.5617
    Family Medicine Residency at Bronson Battle Creek 269.965.8866
    Ascension Borgess Hospital 269.226.8361
    Bronson Methodist Hospital 269.341.7893
  • Active Shooter (Code Green)

    Code Green is used if there is a critical incident such as an active shooter.

    An “active shooter” is an individual who is engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms. There is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.

    • Victims are selected at random
    • Event is unpredictable and evolves quickly
    • Knowing what to do can save lives.

    When an active shooter is in your vicinity, you must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with the situation. You have three options: RUN, HIDE, FIGHT.


    • Have an escape route and plan in mind
    • Leave your belongings behind
    • Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow
    • Help others escape, if possible
    • Do not attempt to move the wounded
    • Prevent others from entering an area where the shooter may be
    • Keeps your hands visible
    • Call 9-1-1 when you are safe.


    • Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view
    • Lock the door or block entry to your hiding place
    • Silence your cell phone (including vibrate mode) and remain quiet.


    • Fight as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger
    • Attempt to incapacitate the shooter
    • Act with as much physical aggression as possible
    • Improvise weapons or throw items at the active shooter
    • Commit to your actions … your life depends on it.

    Click here for the Active Shooter Event Quick Reference Guide.

  • Fire Emergency (Code Red)

    Code Red is used for a fire emergency.

    In the event of a fire, locate the nearest pull station to activate the fire alarm.  Exit the building at the nearest exit point and meet outside the building in the designated spot. An Emergency Coordinator will let you know when you can return to the building.

    If smoke or fire is sighted utilize, RACE:

    Rescue people from harm

    Activate the alarm

    Contain the fire by closing all doors and windows

    Evacuate if fire or smoke is discovered


    To extinguish a fire, remember PASS:

    Pull the pin

    Aim at the base of the fire

    Squeeze the trigger

    Sweep from side to side slowly

  • Behavioral Emergency or Civil Disturbance (Code Green)

    Code Green is used if there a behavioral emergency or civil disturbance.

    For assistance in securing an out-of-control person who presents an immediate danger to self or others use Code Green and your exact location.

    For immediate assistance use any WMed phone to make an overhead announcement:

    • To announce overhead at Oakland Drive Campus dial 7777, pause for the system to answer, dial 0, announce Code Green and your exact location.
    • To announce at the Innovation Center on the Parkview Campus dial 7776, pause for the system to answer, announce Code Green and your exact location.
    • Overhead announcements cannot be made at our other campus locations using the phone system.

    Or you can:

    • Dial 9-1-1.
    • Press the panic button located at the Oakland Drive Campus registration desks or in the physician offices at the Department of Psychiatry.
    • Call a security officer to request assistance. 
    • Call for assistance from other staff members.
    • Report the incident from the link on the WMed portal within 24 hours of the incident.

    If there is civil disturbance within the immediate vicinity of any of the WMed ambulatory clinical service locations: 

    1. Patients are to remain in patient rooms.
    2. Personnel are to remain in their own area of assignment.
    3. Close the doors to patient rooms.
    4. Reassure patients.
    5. Use the telephone for emergencies only.
    6. Await further instructions.
  • External or Internal Disaster (Code Black)

    Code Black is used if there is an external or internal disaster.

    If an internal disaster occurs, WMed leadership will determine the plans for handling the situation. If an external disaster occurs, WMed leadership will collaborate with the local hospitals, community organizations, and 5th District Medical Response Coalition.

  • Infant Abduction (Code Pink)

    Code Pink is used if there is an infant abduction or a suspected abduction.

    For immediate assistance use any WMed phone to make an overhead announcement. At the Oakland Drive Campus dial 7777, pause for the system to answer, dial 0, announce Code Pink and your exact location. Or you can call a security officer to request assistance. 

    Staff may attempt to prevent the abduction in the following manner:

    1. Approach the abductor in a calm, firm manner.
    2. Request the infant/child be returned to the mother or any staff member.
    3. Staff may proceed with caution to follow and observe the abductor, notifying other staff along the way to update the security officer.
    • Keep people away from the abduction area until police arrives.
    • All people in the area should remain until the police arrive.

    Be Alert to Unusual Behavior

    Protection of infants is a proactive responsibility for everyone in the facility, not just clinic security. All health care facility personnel should be alert to any unusual behavior they encounter from individuals, such as the following:

    • Close questioning about health care facility procedures or layout of the floor.
    • Taking uniforms or other means of clinic identification.
    • Carrying large packages out of the clinic (e.g., gym bags), particularly if the person carrying the bag is “cradling” or “talking” to it.
    • Recognizing that a disturbance in another area of the clinic can be a diversion to facilitate an infant abduction.
  • Tornado or Severe Weather

    Notifications for severe weather in Kalamazoo County are made via overhead announcement or the emergency notification system. In the case of a tornado watch, be alert. A tornado watch can last up to several hours. In the case of a tornado warning immediately take cover. Seek shelter in the basement of the building and stay within the interior corridors, stairways, or rooms on the lowest floor possible.  Do not take the elevator – always take the stairs and stay away from windows. Tornado season in Michigan is typically during April, May, and June.

  • Cardiac or Respiratory Arrest (Code Blue) and AED Locations

    Code Blue is used for someone who has suffered cardiac or respiratory arrest.

    If you discover someone is suffering cardiac or respiratory arrest you should:

    • Note the time
    • Check the airway, breathing, and circulation
    • Call for 9-1-1 for help
    • Initiate basic life support (BLS) per protocol and use the automatic external defibrillator (AED)

    AED Locations

    W.E. Upjohn M.D. Campus By the tower elevator on all occupied floors
    WMed Health Oakland Drive Campus By the media room door on the concourse level and in crash carts
    Linda Richards Building By the elevator on all occupied floors
    Department of Psychiatry in the Ascension Borgess North Professional Building 1st floor main south entry, phone connects to hospital operator
    Family Medicine Residency at Crosstown Parkway In the crash cart
    Innovation Center By the mail room door
  • Bomb Threat (Code Gray)

    Code Gray is used when there is a bomb threat or explosion.

    You are responsible to report if notified or you become aware of a bomb threat. Remain calm and document any identifying information. Notify the nearest Emergency Coordinator, Director of Facilities, or security guard. During evacuation, you should take note of unusual or suspicious packages, devices, equipment, or items and report what you have seen.

  • Facility Evacuation

    You will be notified via overhead announcement and/or the emergency notification if we need to evacuate the building for any reason. Be familiar with evacuation routes. Use the stairs unless you are told to do otherwise or are unable. Use the exit that is furthest away from the known hazard, if possible. Gather outside in the designated meeting area.

  • Understand the Risk of Exposure When Working with Blood or Other Infectious Agents

    When a bloodborne exposure occurs at WMed during normal business hours, the exposed person is evaluated immediately. The Occupational Health Nurse, Occupational Health Physician or Infectious Diseases Physician are contacted and will arrange for appropriate follow-up. If you are exposed to an infectious patient with diseases such as, but not limited to, pertussis, neisseria meningitidis, measles or tuberculosis, you may need prophylactic medications after the exposure to the infectious patient or may need follow-up to ensure that you do not contract the disease. When the exposure occurs outside of normal business hours, you should be evaluated immediately in an Emergency Department.  Follow-up is done by the Occupational Health Nurse at 269.337.4449 or pager 269.232-5215. After normal business hours, leave a message. Reporting is necessary regardless if you receive treatment somewhere else. An occurrence report must be completed and submitted within 24 hours. Refer to the Medical Student Policy Manual or Policy IC04 for details.

  • Handling Hazardous Materials

    We provide a safe environment by handling, storing, transporting, using, and disposing of medical and hazardous waste in compliance with all regulations and laws. Hazards associated with materials and wastes are identified in Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) also referred to as Safety Data Sheets (SDS), found on the portal or at the MSDS link via any device. If you handle these materials, be informed on how to clean up a spill should it occur.