Title IX Information and Resources

Over half of women and almost 1 in 3 men have experienced sexual violence involving physical contact during their lifetimes (cdc.gov). Our actions, big and small, have a ripple effect on those we teach, guide, and influence. From modeling healthy behavior to addressing inappropriate conduct, everyone can make a difference.

Title IX Information and Resources - WMed

Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking  

Institutional Policy

WMed strives to cultivate a healthy and diverse community that recognizes the value of everyone and helps foster safety, civility, and respect for all people. The institutional policy Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking prohibits sexual or gender-based, harassment and violence, intimate partner violence, and stalking by any member of the WMed community. The policy and procedures sets forth how WMed will proceed once it is made aware of possible prohibited conduct in keeping with our institutional values and to meet our legal obligations under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX); the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), as amended by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA); and other applicable law. 

Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX Coordinator is charged with monitoring WMed’s compliance with Title IX; ensuring appropriate education and training for students and employees; coordinating the institution’s investigation, response, and resolution of all reports under this Policy; and ensuring appropriate actions to eliminate prohibited conduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects. The Title IX Coordinator is supported by Deputy Title IX Coordinators and other administrators in the Office of the Dean, Human Resources, and Office of Student Affairs.

The Title IX Coordinator and Deputy IX Coordinators can be contacted by telephone, email, or by appointment in person during regular business hours.

Title IX Coordinator:
  • Surangi Pradhan, Senior Director, Human Resources
Deputy Title IX Coordinators:
  • Kally Graham, HR Manager, Employee Relations, People Operations & Credentialing
  • Leah Harrison, HR Manager, Benefits and HRIS
  • Andrea Swintal, Director, Career Development
Title IX Training

All Title IX coordinators and deputy coordinators working on the resolution of a Title IX complaint receives training as prescribed by the Department of Education Title IX Final Rule § 106.45(b)(1)(iii) & § 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D).

WMed is committed to transparency regarding Title IX training. Please view our Title IX training documentation efforts.

Reporting Options

All individuals are encouraged to promptly report conduct that may violate the Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking policy.  In addition, all individuals are encouraged to report conduct that may also violate criminal law to both WMed and to local law enforcement.  These processes are not mutually exclusive. Any student, resident, fellows, faculty, staff, or third party who seeks to make a complaint or report may:

  • Make an internal complaint or report to Title IX Coordinator Surangi Pradhan at 269.337.6538 or titleixcoordinator@wmed.edu
  • Contact the Title IX Deputy Coordinators Kally Graham at 269.337.6359, Leah Harrison at 269.337.4568, or Andrea Swintal at 269.337.5557.
  • Contact the Chief Safety and Security Officer Drake Olson at 269.337.4225 for assistance in filing a criminal complaint and preserving physical evidence
  • Contact local law enforcement to file a criminal complaint.
File a Complaint Online

An online complaint form is also available to officially file a complaint through the Title IX Coordinator. Once submitted, your complaint form will be reviewed by the Title IX Coordinator, and you will be contacted for a follow up discussion. If you are unable to complete the form for any reason, contact the Title IX team for assistance at 269.337.4437 or titleixcoordinator@wmed.edu.

Counseling Services 

Employee Assistance Program

Ulliance Life Advisor Consultants are available 24/7

This a confidential and voluntary support service that is fully accessible to students, residents/fellows, faculty, and staff and immediate household members to help find solutions to life’s challenges. Support is provided in a manner that is best suited to individual preferences, comfort level, and lifestyle.

Ulliance is completely confidential within the limits of the law. No one at the medical school will know that you have used the program unless you choose to share that information. There is no cost to use Ulliance.

Ulliance has a wide range of services including:

  • Counseling services: This is a service to help provide short term solutions that may involve work-life issues such as stress, major life transitions, relationship issues, substance abuse, grief/loss and overwhelming emotions. This is confidential and can be face-to-face or phone sessions with a licensed counselor.  
  • Coaching services: To help motivate and support your work-life goals such as education, career advancement, financial or saving goals, and self-improvement goals.
  • Legal support services provide telephone or in-person consultation with attorneys to address legal questions surrounding divorce, custody, adoption, real estate, debt, bankruptcy, landlord/tenant issues, and more.
  • Financial support services provide consultation with financial professionals to address financial questions surrounding budgeting, debt management, tax issues, and more.
  • Schedule an appointment for you to see a local Ulliance EAP Counselor – Close to where you live or work at no charge to you or your covered dependents.

These are confidential services that can be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Individuals may access Ulliance services by calling 800.448.8326 or online at www.LifeAdvisor.com and entering the following credentials to login:

  • Name of Organization: WMed
  • City of Organization: Kalamazoo

EAP Working Advantage Discount Program

Discounts can range from sporting events, to hotels, and to even apps on your phone.  To explore more fun go sign up at www.WorkingAdvantage.com/Ulliance

Information about the EAP is provided to students at matriculation and to employees upon employment. 

Emergency Behavioral Crisis

For emergency behavioral crises students may access community services by using the 24-hour community 2-1-1 Helpline. The 2-1-1 service is supported in Kalamazoo by Gryphon Place, which is a local organization providing emergency behavioral support. If needed, access to inpatient psychiatric care is available in a confidential manner via crisis screening services provided by Pine Rest Inpatient Services in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After referral and by calling a toll-free number (1-800-678-5500), a student (or their counselor) can discuss the appropriateness of inpatient management of their psychological emergency.

Personal Counseling Services (for Students)

Independent licensed counselors serving as consultants to the medical school provide personal counseling sessions and are bound by confidentiality. These counselors are not involved with student academic instruction, evaluation, or advancement, and are available to assist students with personal issues. Students may confidentially make appointments by directly contacting the providers listed below, whose services are paid for by WMed:

Willow Path Counseling Center
269.459.8889 (call to schedule appointment)
Variety of counselors to choose from
Virtual and in-person visits
Free, confidential service for students (up to 6 visits per student)
Accept most major insurance plans, including Medicaid

Mary Wassink, EdD
269.760.9220 (call or text)
Virtual and in-person visits
Free, confidential service for students (up to 6 visits per student)
Accepts insurance, excluding Medicaid

Sexual Assault Support Resources

Ascension Borgess Hospital
1521 Gull Road, Kalamazoo, MI
269.226.4815 (Emergency Department)
24-hour emergency care; forensic rape evidence exam, other necessary treatment. Fee for service.

Bronson Methodist Hospital
601 John Street, Kalamazoo, MI
269.341.6386 (Emergency Department)
24-hour emergency care; forensic rape evidence exam, other necessary treatment. Fee for service.

YWCA Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program
353 E. Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI
Must telephone before arrival to access; service available 24/7. Forensic rape evidence exam, other necessary treatment, emotional support. Not appropriate for physical injury. Free of charge.

YWCA Sexual Assault Program
353 East Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 
269.385.2869 office; 269.385.3587 24-hour crisis line
24-hour on-site support and assistance to victim and family/friends at hospital or police station; support and assistance to victim during all phases of prosecution; Free of charge.

Victim Assistance Unit
Kalamazoo Prosecuting Attorney's Office
227 W. Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI
Assistance to crime victims involved in a court case; assistance in filing Crime Victim's Compensation claim, which may compensate a victim for expenses related to medical and counseling services or lost wages.

WMed Support Services

Student Affairs at 269.337.6111 provides student support for academic and personal issues. Financial Aid at 269.337.6107 assists students, residents/fellows, staff, and faculty with financial aid related issues. Human Resources at 269.337.6485 assists employees with employment and benefit issues.