Welcome to the Office of the Registrar. We provide a range of services for students and administrators at the medical school in the areas of academic records, student status, registration, enrollment, transcripts, and degree verification.
We are located in the Office of Student Affairs on the second floor of the W.E. Upjohn M.D. campus and are available to answer your questions from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Meet Our Team

Donna Miroslaw, BS
As the registrar, Donna is responsible for all aspects of the student’s educational record, transcripts, enrollment verification, licensing services and degree verifications, loan deferments, preparation of the Medical School Performance Evaluation (MSPE), degree audits, FERPA compliance, veterans educational benefits, manages the online course catalog and other various tasks related to student records.

Cristal Doll
Administrative Assistant
Cristal provides support for multiple departments in Student Affairs as well as the registrar and library. She is a great first point of contact for all questions. Cristal can be found staffing the front desk of the Student Affairs suite or Library, helping to answer general questions, assisting with appointment booking, and keeping the office running smoothly. Cristal also serves as a notary public for the office.
We are happy to provide our students and graduates with copies of their official or unofficial medical school transcripts, as well as verification of graduation.
WMed has authorized Parchment to manage the ordering, processing, and secure delivery of student transcripts. Parchment offers:
- Secure online access to request your transcript anytime.
- E-mail notification when transcripts are processed and received.
- Online tracking ability.
- The option to request electronic delivery of your transcript.
Transcripts can be ordered online via the Parchment website. Students are required to complete a one-time registration process at no cost on Parchment’s website prior to ordering their first transcript. Click here for step-by-step transcript ordering instructions.
Transcripts must be paid by the student using a credit card at the time of the order. Parchment accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
Transcript Cost
Document Type | Shipping Method | Price to Student |
eTranscript | N/A | $5.00 |
Paper Transcript-Pickup at WMed | N/A | $10.00 |
Paper Transcript-Mailed | USPS | $10.00 |
Paper Transcript-Mailed International | USPS-International | $10.00 |
Paper Transcript-Mailed | FedEx Overnight-Domestic | $35.00 |
Paper Transcript-Mailed | FedEx Overnight-International | $57.50 |
Unofficial Transcript
Current Students
Current students may print their unofficial transcript.
- Go to Student Information System
- Choose Students and Faculty option. Use your WMed network ID and password to log in.
- Select Student Records tab
- Select Unofficial Transcript
Alumni may request their unofficial transcript.
- Email registrar@wmed.edu to request an unofficial transcript.
- Include full name and year of graduation.
- Requests will be processed within five days.
Licensure Documents and Verification of Graduation
Individuals requiring licensure documents or verification of MD graduation may send forms or request to registrar@wmed.edu. All resident verifications or requests must be sent to residency.verification@wmed.edu.