Medical school domain name to change to in 2023

WMed, 300 Portage Street, Kalamazoo

The domain name for all internet-related properties for the medical school will change in April 2023.

WMed is moving from to The new domain name identifies WMed as an independent organization, provides a shorter, more memorable name and grants the medical school additional flexibility in its online presence.

The medical school’s Office of Communications and Information Technology team are partnering on the project with the goal of ending the use of by January 2024.

“Our new domain name is easier to remember and identifies us as a separate, private organization,” said Laura Eller, the medical school’s director of Communications.

During the transition, the medical school public website at will become The website will be accessible using both addresses for several months.

All WMed email addresses currently using will become Both email addresses will work for six months as employees notify their contacts.

All of the medical school’s public websites, social media platforms and print materials will be updated to reflect the new web address.

“We will work to make sure this transition is as smooth as possible for everyone,” said Doug Jaquays, Information Technology infrastructure manager at the medical school.