Support Us

When you give to the WMed Innovation Center, you give back to the community. We are a best-in-class entrepreneurial resource center and fully committed to our mission of supporting great ideas, entrepreneurs and innovative companies. We've been serving our community and making an impact in entrepreneurship in Southwest Michigan for more than 15 years.

As a nonprofit, we rely heavily on the generosity and benevolence of our donors. Donations fuel our mission and bolster our vision of being a top entrepreneurial community of choice.

Your generosity provides the essential funding to sustain the growth and development of entrepreneurs and emerging businesses in Southwest Michigan. Of course, donations benefit you, too. The WMed Innovation Center is a part of WMed, which is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Contributions in excess of the fair value of goods and services received by the donor may be tax deductible. Please consult your personal tax advisor.

As a donor, there are many ways to support the Innovation Center.

  • Program-Specific Donations
    Contribute to an area of the Innovation Center that you have a specific interest (e.g., business incubation and growth acceleration programs, the Ideation Station, Launch MI Lab, the business library, the loan fund, etc.).
  • Capital Equipment
    Fund the acquisition of specific capital equipment to further improve our resources and services, and support the ongoing repair and maintenance of our shared equipment.
  • Endowment Funding
    Provide the necessary resources to maintain and continue enhancing the quality of our world-class facilities and programs. For more information, click here.
  • Planned Giving
    Charitable intentions and donations can be realized and fulfilled through:
    • Naming Rights: Put your name on a conference room, a suite, or a laboratory.
    • Unrestricted Gifts: Contributions go toward the best use and most needed projects under consideration.
    • Charitable Annuity: Receive payments back during your lifetime, save on current income taxes and possibly reduce or eliminate estate taxes and probate expenses.
    • Gifts Outside Your Will: Help your organization with a donation that avoids probate by naming the NIIC as a beneficiary on appreciated securities, retirement plans, insurance policies and/or real estate.
    • Gifts Through Your Will: Leaving a contribution as a bequest can help reduce estate taxes and ensure the work you're passionate about continues onward.

To discuss ways of financially supporting the Innovation Center, planned giving, or additional giving opportunities, contact